City Government
The City of Lavonia has promoted and positioned itself during the past twenty plus years as a major industrial and commercial player in Northeast Georgia. Located at the intersection of Interstate 85 and Georgia Highway 17, we are home to 27 of the 58 industries located in Franklin County.
One of the many challenges that local government face every day is to carefully balance the continuing growth patterns of the community with city services while preserving and protecting the quality of life we enjoy and the historic and natural resources that our forefathers have entrusted to us. The City Council and I understand this most important charge and strive to constantly update and implement code and ordinance changes to keep pace with our ever-changing community needs and demands. We also closely monitor and advise our city boards and commissions to insure that they work in concert with Council objectives and work within the guidelines of our future comprehensive and land-use plans.
This City Government section will introduce you to the elected officials, administrative staff and department heads that have the charge of seeing that our city operates in the most efficient and cost-saving manner possible while delivering the level of service expected by our residents and visitors to our city.
We invite you to go to our calendar and see what exciting events that are coming up for everyone to enjoy!
If you have any questions or need additional information, there is contact information provided for your convenience. It is indeed a pleasure to serve you and I hope that you will consider coming to our community to visit, reside, work or play with us.
Courtney Umbehant, Mayor
City Manager: Charles Cawthon
Assistant City Manager: Robert Ogburn
City Clerk: Angela V. Greer
Assistant City Clerk: Barbara Busby
Water Department Clerk: Leslie Cash & Haven Gentry
Process Innovation Analyst: Michael Ruff
Finance Director: Kayla Finger
Municipal Judge: Chris Dyal
Municipal Court Clerk: Maria Roberts
City Auditors: Rushton & Company, Inc. of Gainesville, Georgia
City Attorney: McClure, Ramsey, Dickerson & Escoe, LLP of Toccoa, Georgia
Fire Chief: Jon Baskins
Police Chief: Shane Edmisten
Deputy Chief: Daniel Carson
Safety Coordinator: Clint Turpin
Street Department Superintendent: Rodney Andrews
Water Department Superintendent: Rodney Andrews (interim)
Water Plant Manager: Marty Eckles
Wastewater Plant Manager: Tim Chitwood
Facilities Manager: Ryan Owensby
Downtown Development Director & Main Street Manager: Ashley Rose Dodd