Depot Welcome Center
For more detailed information about the Lavonia Depot & Downtown Development please check out their website.

Since the coming of the railroad was the beginning of the town, it was only fitting that the Depot that the Depot be at the center of town. The first depot was located across the street from where the Gazebo in Weldon Park is currently located. However, after its construction the women of the town felt it was spoiling the beauty of their little city so they petitioned it to be moved. They selected the new site “under the oak tree across from Dr. Cornog.”
They were successful and in 1912 a new depot was ready for use. December 29, 2012 marking the 100th anniversary of the depot, a celebration and re-opening took place. The depot was given a complete renovation in 2012 and today she stands just like the building in 1912. Along with the depot’s duties as Welcome Center for Lavonia she is the home of museum items and a small library about the history of the town. Please come by and take a look at the beautiful craftsmanship of 1912 and 2012.
Barbara Busby and Ashley Rose Dodd are here from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Barbara & Ashley Rose may be reached at (706) 356-1926.